Oral hygiene
Prevention is always better than cure. Consequently, practising a good oral hygiene routine is the most important thing you can do to keep your teeth healthy, thus preventing the development of caries, the accumulation of hard and soft plaque on tooth surfaces, and periodontal tissue inflammation which causes bleeding gums.
You are also advised to regularly use dental floss and interdental brushes as well as fluoride-containing fluids to protect your enamel, and antiseptic fluids.
At Dental Medicine Practice we can assist you with your oral hygiene by providing useful advice and professional interventions. Professional teeth cleaning and tartar removal helps maintain healthy teeth and beautiful tooth colour, prevents bad breath and reduces the risk of periodontal disease.
It is important to have hard dental plaque removed regularly by professional staff in a dental office, since plaque that is firmly attached to the tooth surface can only be removed by special devices. The critical areas of the teeth under the gums are inaccessible for toothbrushes, therefore professional teeth cleaning is necessary to clean all the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth you cannot clean on your own.