Dental examinations
At your first dental appointment and examination at Dental Medicine Practice, you will explain your oral cavity problems, your desires regarding the appearance of your teeth and smile, and also let us know about your dental-treatment expectations.
We will conduct a dental examination of your teeth, gums and oral cavity. Radiographs, commonly known as X-rays, are an integral part of diagnostics during your dental examination. If necessary, you will be referred for additional X-rays. Dental Medicine Practice shall provide you with a range of professional services in order to prevent, diagnose and treat various dental and oral diseases.
Patients are advised to get regular check-ups at periodic intervals to monitor the condition of their oral cavity and for early detection of dental diseases. Patients shall make appointments for dental check-ups either on the basis of our recommendations or at their own discretion. When a dental appointment is recommended by us, patients are included in our notification system, which means that they are notified about the recommended date for their check-up. Check-ups are usually performed 3, 6 or 12 months after the last examination was carried out.
During a regular check-up, we examine the condition of your jaw joints, oral mucosa, periodontal tissues and teeth. We also perform an analysis of diagnostic X-rays and make an entry into your dental record. We discuss the condition of your oral cavity, present you with various treatment options and suggest the treatment plan we deem most appropriate for you.
A follow-up examination is recommended during or immediately after the treatment and includes a targeted examination of an individual segment. It does not include a comprehensive examination of your oral cavity.